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王渭霞,女,1974.2,甘肃渭源人,中国水稻研究所副研究员,硕士。主要从事水稻害虫生理生化和分子生物学方面的研究。研究方向主要有:1)褐飞虱重要功能基因的挖掘和功能研究;2)褐飞虱致害性分化和抗药性形成机制的研究;3) 三种稻飞虱重要功能基因的比较分析等。主持国家基金一项,浙江省自然科学基金3项。获得国家发明专利4项,发表相关主要论文有:

  1. 2018,WeixiaWang, Pinjun Wan, Fengxiang Lai, Tingheng Zhu and Qiang Fu. Double-stranded RNA targeting calmodulin reveals a potential target for pest management of Nilaparvata lugens. Pest Manag Sci 74:1711–1719

  2. 2017,Weixia Wang, Tingheng. Zhu, Kailong Li, Longfei Chen, Fengxiang Lai and Q. Fu. Molecular characterization, expression analysis and RNAi knock-down of elongation factor 1α and 1γ from Nilaparvata lugens and its yeastlike symbiont. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 107(3): 303-312doi:10.1017/S0007485316000882

  3. 2017, Weixia Wang, Kailong Li, Pinjun Wan, Fengxiang Lai, Qiang Fu, Tingheng Zhu. Ras-like family small GTPases genes in Nilaparvata lugens: Identification, phylogenetic analysis, gene expression and function in nymphal development. PLOS ONE . DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172701

  4. 2015,Wang, Weixia, Zhu Tingheng, Lai Fengxiang and Fu Qiang. Diversity and infection frequency of symbiotic bacteria in different populations of the rice brown planthopper in China.  J  Entomol Sci. 50: 47-66.

  5. 2015,WeiXia Wang, KaiLong Li, Yang Chen, FengXiang Lai. Qiang Fu. Identification and Function Analysis of enolase Gene NlEno1 from Nilaparvata lugens (Sta˚l) (Hemiptera:Delphacidae),J. Insect Sci. 15(1): 66; DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev046

  6. 2014,Wang Wei-xia, LAI Feng-xiang, LI Kai-long, FU Qiang. Selection of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Analysis in Nilaparvata lugens with Different Levels of Virulence on Rice by Quantitative Real-Time PCR,Rice Science, 21(6): 305-311

  7. 2012, Weixia Wang, Tingheng Zhu,Fengxiang Lai, Qiang Fu. Event-specific qualitative and quantitative detection of transgenic rice Kefeng-8 by characterization of the transgene flanking sequence,European Food Research and Technology, 234: 477-484

  8. 2011, Weixia Wang, Tingheng Zhu, Fengxiang Lai, Qiang Fu. Event-specific qualitative and quantitative detection of transgenic rice Kefeng-6 by characterization of the transgene flanking sequence. European Food Research and Technology,232:297–305

  9. 陈龙飞,万品俊,王渭霞*,傅强,朱廷恒*. 褐飞虱NlTgo基因的克隆及功能研究. 中国水稻科学,2016,30(6):653-660.

  10. 王渭霞,罗举,赖凤香,傅强,水稻褐飞虱内生共生细菌Arsenophonus的鉴定和系统分析,昆虫学报,2010,53: 647 -654.


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