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  1. Danying Wang, Chunmei Xu, Jinxiang Yan, Xiaoguo Zhang, Song Chen, Bhagirath S. Chauhan, Lei Wang, Xiufu Zhang. 15N tracer-based analysis of genotypic differences in the uptake and partitioning of N applied at different growth stages in transplanted rice. Field Crops Research, 2017, 205: 157–169.

  2. Song Chen, Chunmei Xu, Jinxiang Yan, Xiaoguo Zhang, Xiufu Zhang*, Dangying Wang*. The influence of the type of crop residue on soil organic carbon fractions: An 11-year field study of rice-based cropping systems in southeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016, 223:261-269.

  3. Faisal Islam, Basharat Ali, Jian Wang, Muhammad A. Farooq, Rafaqat A. Gill,Shafaqat Ali, Danying Wang**, Weijun Zhou*. Combined herbicide and saline stress differentially modulates hormonal regulation and antioxidant defense system in Oryza sativa cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016,107:82-95.

  4. Song Chen, Qinying Ge, Guang Chu, Chunmei Xu, Jinxiang Yan, Xiufu Zhang,Dangying Wang*. Seasonal differences in the rice grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency response to seedling establishment methods in the Middle and Lowerreaches of the Yangtze River in China. Field Crops Research, 2017,205: 157–169.

  5. Danying Wang, Song Chen, Zaiman Wang, Chenglin Ji, Chunmei Xu, Xiufu Zhang*, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan. Optimizing hill seeding density for high-yielding hybrid rice in a single rice cropping system in south China. Plos ONE, 2014, 9(10):e109417:1-14.

  6. Danying Wang, Chunmei Xu, Song Chen, Longxing Tao, Xiufu Zhang*. Photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation in different chlorophyll-deficient rice lines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(3):397-404.

  7. Wang danying, Xu chunmei, Yuan jiang, Wei xinhua, Liao xiyuan, Zhang xiufu. Changes in agronomic traits of indica hybrid rice during genetic improvement. Agricultural science & technology, 2011,12(8):1149-1153.

  8. Chen S, Wang D, Xu C, Ji C, Zhang X, et al. (2014) Responses of Super Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Different Planting Methods for Grain Yield and Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in the Single Cropping Season. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104950. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104950.

  9. Chen S, Zheng X, Wang D, Xu C and Zhang XF. 2013. Influence of the Improved System of Rice Intensification (SRI) on Rice Yield, Yield Components and Tillering Characteristics under Different Rice Establishment Methods. Plant Production Science. 16(2): 191-198.

  10. 王丹英, 彭建, 徐春梅, 赵锋 和 章秀福, 油菜作绿肥还田的培肥效应及对水稻生长的影响. 中国水稻科学, 2012(01): p. 85-91.

  11. 王丹英, 徐春梅, 袁江, 赵锋, 廖西元 和 章秀福, 不同时期三系杂交稻主栽品种对氮肥用量的响应. 作物学报, 2010(02): p. 354-360.

  12. 王丹英, 徐春梅, 袁江, 魏兴华, 廖西元 和 章秀福, 杂交籼稻组合演替过程中植株农艺性状的变化. 中国水稻科学, 2010(02): p. 157-161.

  13. 王丹英, 章秀福, 邵国胜 和 徐春梅, 高土壤肥力环境下不同类型粳稻品种产量对氮肥用量的响应. 作物学报, 2008(09): p. 1623-1628.

  14. 王丹英, 章秀福, 邵国胜, 钱前 和 徐春梅, 不同叶色水稻叶片的衰老及对光强的响应. 中国水稻科学, 2008(01): p. 77-81.

  15. 王丹英, 韩勃, 章秀福, 邵国胜, 徐春梅 和 符冠富, 水稻根际含氧量对根系生长的影响. 作物学报, 2008(05): p. 803-808.

  16. 王丹英, 章秀福, 李华, 徐春梅, 钱前 和 廖西元, 利用农垦58衍生系研究浙江省晚粳产量和植株形态的改良. 中国农业科学, 2007(12): p. 2903-2909.

  17. 王丹英, 章秀福, 朱智伟, 陈能, 闵捷, 姚青, 严建立 和 廖西元, 食用稻米品质性状间的相关性分析. 作物学报, 2005(08): 1086-1091.


  1.  超级稻机械精量穴直播高产高效技术研发及应用,2016年06月,中国农业科学院杰出科技创新奖,第1名;    

  2.  超级稻机械精量穴直播高产高效技术研发及应用,2016年08月,浙江省科技进步二等奖,第1名;

  3. 水稻高产与稻田减排的耕层调控关键技术及应用,2015年09月,中华农业科技二等奖,第9名;

  4. 粮食作物两熟制光温资源优化配置及其高产高效技术与应用,2015年12月,北京市科技成果三等奖,第6名;

  5. 水稻好氧栽培理论与技术及应用,2013年08月,浙江省科技进步二等奖,第3名;

  6. 中国水稻生产能力与产业政策研究,2011年08月,浙江省科技进步三等奖,第5名。

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