Greetings from Director General

CHENG Shihua, Ph.D

Director General

China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI) was established in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province approved by the Chinese State Council in June 1981. The main mission of CNRRI is to contribute to food security, nutrition improvement, environment protection, and poverty elimination in China through rice research.

CNRRI focuses on basic and applied researches with priority on solving significant scientific and technical problems in rice production. CNRRI has been emphasizing on rice genetic studies and genome research for improving rice yield, grain quality, pest resistance and stress tolerance, as well as on the conservation, and utilization of rice germplasm resources and on the development of environment friendly and cost efficiently rice cultivation technologies.

CNRRI also plays an important role in coordination of priority rice research programs throughout the country, conducting national and international training and scientific & technical exchange, compiling & publishing academic journals and books on rice.

The establishment of CNRRI got support from international organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP, FAO, the Rockefeller Foundation and IRRI, etc. As a non-profit organization, CNRRI adopts opening-up policy and welcomes collaborations from public and private sectors around the world.