Degree   BODY { margin: 0px; } .STYLE2 { color: #ff6600; font-size: 18px; } .STYLE3 { color: #0000cc; }          PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS      Complete the steps below to apply for a degree program at CNRRI Training.

  Fill in the Scholar Approval Form [download  / ] and the Application Form [download  / ].

  Get an endorsement from :

  Head of the Institute/Employer - endorsement form [download  / ], if you are currently employed. This states that upon completion of scholarship, you will return to your organization to work on rice or rice-related activities.

  Supervisor - endorsement form [download  / ], if you are currently enrolled. This also states that upon completion of scholarship, you will return to your university to finish the graduate study.

  Get an evidence of registration from the university of your choice. This can be a copy of your enrolment certificate, or a letter from the university confirming your registration.

  If you are applying for a thesis-research program only, submit an evidence of completion of your course work from your University, as well as a copy of your thesis outline. The topic should be related to the mandate and priority program areas of CNRRI.

  Get an original and a photocopy of your transcript of records for your BS and MS (for PhD candidate).

  Obtain a copy of a Letter of Agreement from the Head of the Department. This indicates an agreement on the intellectual property rights of both parties, and that thesis research will be conducted at CNRRI under the supervision of an CNRRI scientist.

  Complete the Medical Form A [download  / ].

  Send these forms to the following address by fax, mail, or as email attachments.

  Zhou Haipeng   Department of Program Management and International Cooperation   China National Rice Research Institute   No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310006, P. R. China   Fax: 0086 571 6337 1532, 0086 571 6337 0822   E-mail:  

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