RPP   BODY { margin: 0px; } .STYLE2 { color: #ff6600; font-size: 18px; }          Rice Production and Planting      Introduction  

  This course provides theory and practical experience in rice production and planting, farming system research and technology transfer or extension. It covers the basic concepts associated with the rice plant, improved planting and irrigation practices as well as agricultural technology dissemination.


  Recognize and apply the important techniques of wetland rice planting. Detect, identify, and solve common field problems of wetland rice production. Improve hands-on ability of field trials and demonstrations through discussion and interaction with technology extension specialists. Gain experience in planning, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting scientifically designed rice field experiments.   Duration Six weeks

  Course Content  

  UnitⅠRice Production Research

   A range of information, from the morphology of the rice plant to problem diagnosis, prioritization, and research planning  Soil, nutrient, water management and weed control for rice  Management of invertebrate and vertebrate pests of rice  Disease management for rice  Postproduction techniques and problems  Statistical procedures for scientific experimentation 

   UnitⅡRice Production Technology

   Water-saving irrigation system  Cultivation technology for super-high yield varieties and hybrid rice varieties  Seedling broadcasting and direct-seeding technologies  Environment-friendly cultivation technology  Organic fertilizer research and development 


  Participants of this course take part in lectures, exercises in the field and laboratory, project assignments, and field trips. About 40% of training time is devoted to lectures, group discussions, and problem solving exercises and remaining time is centered on field observation and paddy-based activities. Lecture supplements and exhibits include specimens of rice plants that suffer from diseases, nutritional disorders, and pest damage. At the end of the course, trainees are expected to apply what they have learned to real-time paddy problem-resolving and rice production.

  Training Team

  The course is instructed by a team of experienced CNRRI scientists:  (The names are listed in alphabetical order.)

  FU Qiang  

  Ph. D., Plant Protection Scientist

  Mr. Fu engages in ecological security appraisals of transgenic rice, interrelationship investigation of rice and insect pests and studies of rice fly symbiont microorganism. He has co-authored two books and published over 40 scientific papers in journals that are peer-reviewed.

  JIN Qianyu

  Ph. D., Rice Cultivation Scientist  

  Mr. Jin mainly focuses on labor-saving rice cultivation technologies with dominant research fields covering physiological and ecological studies of direct-seeding rice, integration of planting and ecological protection technologies for paddy fields, cultivation technology of high quality rice without pollution. He has published over 30 research papers in journals that are peer-reviewed and compiled and co-authored six books.

  YU Liuqing  

  Ph. D., Plant Protection Scientist

  Mr. Yu concentrates on paddy weed control and herbicide application studies. His research interests include development of microbial herbicide, plant allelopathy and ecological controlling technologies for paddy weed. Mr. Yu has published about 50 research articles in journals that are peer-reviewed.

  ZHANG Zhitao

  Plant Protection Scientist

  Mr. Zhang engages in insect informative behaviors and migration, genetic mechanism of rice varieties conferring insect resistance and pest biotype variability. He has presided many national key programs centering on molecular genetic mechanism of virulent variability of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, analysis of stridulation sensitive factors of rice flies, ecological influence and genetic analysis of Bt rice and integral prevention and control technology of rice insect pest. Mr. Zhang has co-authored five books and published over 70 research papers.

  ZHANG Xiufu  

  Ph. D., Rice Cultivation Scientist  

  Mr. Zhang concentrates on high-yielding rice variety developing, rice cultivation system investigation, rice grain quality controlling techniques and forming mechanism. He has undertaken over 20 provincial and ministerial research programs and 2 international cooperation projects with 19 research papers and three books being published.

  ZHU Defeng

  Ph. D., Rice Cultivation Scientist

  Mr. Zhu is a FAO and OPEC consulting scientist who provides instructions for rice production research and technology. Since 1986, Mr. Zhu has been working at CNRRI focusing on rice cultivation and physiology, integrated management technology for high-yielding super rice, rice-based cropping system, systems analysis and modeling for rice production and precision fertilization in rice cultivation.

  Mr. Zhu has a Ph. D. from Nanjing Agricultural University (2000) and M. S. degree from the same university (1986). He also served as a guest scientist at Wagningen University, Netherlands and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), carrying out studies for joint research programs. Mr. Zhu has been a visiting professor at many universities and institutions in Philippines, Japan, India, Vietnam Thailand and Russia. Mr. Zhu has published more than 100 scientific papers in journals that are peer-reviewed.

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