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Expected Roles of Farmer Participation in Sustainable Rice Production, U-Thong District, Suphan Buri Province, Thailand
作者:Am-on Aungsuratana 等
出处:中国水稻研究所 发布时间:2004-10-25 13:34:28 (原作发表时间:2004年10月16日)

    Specific objectives of the study were to examine: 1) some basic personal, socio-economic background of rice cultivators, 2) their current practice and application in rice cultivation, 3) knowledge and practices regarding good agricultural practice (GAP) for sustainable rice production, 4) expected roles in sustainable rice production participation, 5) rice cultivation native knowledge, and 6) constraint and recommendation in promotional strategies and effective measures for sustainable rice production. Research methodology was done through various activities including participation approach towards panel discussion among target rice cultivators, domestic mills, and concerned persons; provide training courses and field study for farmers; conduct comparison rice cultivation plot in the study area; and field survey through interview schedule. Regarding field survey, 170 rice cultivators resided in Jorakae Samphan sub district, U-Thong district, Suphan Buri province were selected by multi stage sampling technique. Descriptive statistics were presented in percentage and arithmetic means. Inferential statistics to testing the hypothesis was Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Testing the reliability of GAP for sustainable rice production was done through Kuder Richardson -20 formular with the reliability at 0.61.The result revealed that the average area was 44.65 rai (7.14 hectares) per household. The average paddy land was 14.14 rai (2.26 hectares). Rice cultivation was mostly twice a year. The average of paddy cultivation experience was 23 years. The most popular varieties in the first crop (main crop, Sept-Dec) were SUPHAN BURI No. 1 and PATOOM THANEE No.1. In the off season crop (April-July) were SUPHAN BURI No.1, CHAINAT No. 1, and PATOOM THANEE No. 1, respectively. The most sound organic fertilizer was bio-fertilizer. Majority of farmer applied chemical fertilizer three times per crop. The used fertilizer were 46-0-0,16-20-0, and 46-0-0, respectively. Disease was rarely found in the study area. The most found pest insects were brown plant hopper, rice stem borer, and thrips, respectively. Mostly grains were sold to domestic mills. Burning to eradicate straw was still found in many villages. Cost of less chemical cultivation was 1,835 baht per rai (286.72 US dollars per hectare). Cost of chemical cultivation was 2,305 baht per rai (360.16 US dollars per hectare). The most corrected knowledge in GAP for sustainable rice production was fertilizer application at 20-30 days after sowing for the first application. On the other hand, the most appropriated practice in GAP was fertilizer application at the beginning of inflorescence initiation or 30 days prior flowering for the second application. Only two expected roles of farmer participation in sustainable rice production at the level of any time were accepted by more than a half of rice cultivators. Bio-fertilizer was the top most used native knowledge in the study area. The most found constraints were high cost and unhealthy of rice cultivators. The most recommendation in promotional strategies and effective measure for sustainable rice production from the respondents was the more promotion and support, in particular GAP from the concerned government and non government organizations.

    作  者:Am-on Aungsuratana , Sontichai Chanprame , Chawalit Hongprayoon, Uraiwan Ninpetch, Ratchanee Hongprayoon, Chatchai Keosonthi, Jularat Wattana, Kanungrat Kummanee, Benjamas Tinnorod, Surapol Charuphong, Sirivit Pongaree, Booncheung Khamplub;
    作者单位:①Kasetsart University,② Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand;

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