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《PLoS ONE》:水稻开花基因OsELF3-1被克隆 

8月17日,期刊《PLoS ONE》在线发表有关水稻开花基因OsELF3-1的成功克隆的研究成果。在题为“OsELF3-1, an Ortholog of Arabidopsis EARLY FLOWERING 3, Regulates Rice Circadian Rhythm and Photoperiodic Flowering”论文中,研究人员确定了水稻中两个同源基因OsELF3-1 和 OsELF3-2功能作用,完善了水稻光周期开花的机理。



Arabidopsis thaliana EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3) as a zeitnehmer (time taker) is responsible for generation of circadian rhythm and regulation of photoperiodic flowering. There are two orthologs (OsELF3-1 and OsELF3-2) of ELF3 in rice (Oryza sativa), but their roles have not yet been fully identified. Here, we performed a functional characterization of OsELF3-1 and revealed it plays a more predominant role than OsELF3-2 in rice heading. Our results suggest OsELF3-1 can affect rice circadian systems via positive regulation of OsLHY expression and negative regulation of OsPRR1, OsPRR37, OsPRR73 and OsPRR95 expression. In addition, OsELF3-1 is involved in blue light signaling by activating EARLY HEADING DATE 1 (Ehd1) expression to promote rice flowering under short-day (SD) conditions. Moreover, OsELF3-1 suppresses a flowering repressor GRAIN NUMBER, PLANT HEIGHT AND HEADING DATE 7 (Ghd7) to indirectly accelerate flowering under long-day (LD) conditions. Taken together, our results indicate OsELF3-1 is essential for circadian regulation and photoperiodic flowering in rice.


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