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《The Plant Cell》: 水稻理想株型研究获新进展 | ||
作者:中国水稻信息网 来源:中国水稻信息网 发布时间:2013-11-11 |
日前,The Plant Cell在线发表了我国科学家研究水稻理想株型而获得的最新科研进展。 水稻的株型是决定水稻产量的主要因素之一,水稻理想株型的塑造是提高水稻产量的重要途径。控制水稻理想株型的主基因IPA1 (Ideal Plant Architecture 1) 编码一个含SBP-box的转录因子,参与调控多个生长发育过程。研究人员最近的研究发现,IPA1作为转录激活因子起作用,通过全基因组染色质免疫共沉淀-测序分析分别确定了水稻茎尖和幼穗含有IPA1结合位点相关的一系列基因,证明IPA1蛋白可以通过SBP-box结构域直接与受调控基因的核心基序GTAC相结合,也可以通过与TCP家族的转录因子PCF1和PCF2相互作用与TGGGCC/T基序间接相结合。通过RNA测序对全基因组表达谱进一步分析显示IPA1参与调控多个生长发育过程。此外,该研究还表明,IPA1可以通过TB1调控水稻分蘖,通过DEP1调控水稻的株高和穗长。该研究为进一步解析水稻株型调控遗传调控网络奠定了基础。 根据2013年ISI发布的JCR(Journal Citation Reports)数据,The Plant Cell最新SCI影响因子为9.251;过去的12年间,该刊物影响因子处于8.987至11.295之间。根据《2012 JCR Science Edition》数据,该刊最新的学科排名分别为:在总计197种期刊的植物学(PLANT SCIENCES)中排名第4位; 总计290种期刊的生物化学与分子生物学(BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)中排名第21位;总计185种期刊的细胞生物学(CELL BIOLOGY)中排名第23位。 论文摘要: IDEAL PLANT ARCHITECTURE1 (IPA1) is critical in regulating rice (Oryza sativa) plant architecture and substantially enhances grain yield. To elucidate its molecular basis, we first confirmed IPA1 as a functional transcription activator and then identified 1067 and 2185 genes associated with IPA1 binding sites in shoot apices and young panicles, respectively, through chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing assays. The SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-box direct binding core motif GTAC was highly enriched in IPA1 binding peaks; interestingly, a previously uncharacterized indirect binding motif TGGGCC/T was found to be significantly enriched through the interaction of IPA1 with proliferating cell nuclear antigen PROMOTER BINDING FACTOR1 or PROMOTER BINDING FACTOR2. Genome-wide expression profiling by RNA sequencing revealed IPA1 roles in diverse pathways. Moreover, our results demonstrated that IPA1 could directly bind to the promoter of rice TEOSINTE BRANCHED1, a negative regulator of tiller bud outgrowth, to suppress rice tillering, and directly and positively regulate DENSE AND ERECT PANICLE1, an important gene regulating panicle architecture, to influence plant height and panicle length. The elucidation of target genes of IPA1 genome-wide will contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying plant architecture and to facilitating the breeding of elite varieties with ideal plant architecture. 详细信息:
上篇文章:《Nature Communications》:揭示水稻结实率关键控制基因
下篇文章:《Plant Physiology》:发现水稻受体类激酶OsSIK2提高耐盐性并延缓衰老 |
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