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State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology

  • Dr. Qian Qian

    Professor, Deputy Director General

    State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology

    China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)

    Address: No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou 310006, P.R. China

    Phone: +86-571-63371418

    Fax: +86-571-63370389

    E-mail: [email protected]

Education Background

Qian Qian, a rice genetics and breeding specialist, received his BSc degree (1983) in Genetics & Genetic Engineering (1983) from Nankai University, China, his MS degree (1990) in Genetics & Breeding (1991) from Hokkaido University, Japan, and his PhD in Genetics (1995) from Graduate School of CAAS, China.

Research Area

He is the Deputy Director General of CNRRI, Director of the State Key Lab of Rice Biology, leader of Rice Genetics and Functional Genomics Innovation Research Team at CNRRI. He has been working on rice genetics and breeding since 1983, focusing on rice genetic materials creation, molecular mechanism dissection of important agronomy traits and molecular application. He has been awarded two national prizes for Natural Science and Scientific and Technological Progress in 2005 and 2010 respectively, received 25 patents authorized in China, and published more than 100 scientific papers.

He is an editor of China Rice, vice editor of Bulletin of Botany, editorial board member of Rice, Breeding Science, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, JGG, Agriculture Sciences in China, Rice Science, Chinese Journal of Rice Science. He won the Outstanding Youth Funding of NSFC in 2004 and was elected as Outstanding Contributions Expert of Zhejiang Province in 2008.

    1. Publications