Dr. Li Ximing
Professor, Deputy Director General
State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology
China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)
Address: No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou 310006, P.R. China
Phone: +86-571-63370346
Fax: +86-571-63371532
E-mail: [email protected]
Education Background
Li Ximing, a famous rice breeding specialist in China, received his BSc degree (1981) in Crop Genetics and Breeding from Anhui Labor University, China, his MSc degree (1986) in Crop Genetics and Breeding from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China and his PhD degree in Crop Genetics and Breeding (2003) from Nanjing Agricultural University, China.
Research Area
He is the Deputy Director General of CNRRI for Experimental Farm Management. He has been working on rice genetics and breeding for over 30 years, focusing on theoretical study of rice genetics of pest resistance, and breeding for good quality, high yield, multi-resistance rice variety. He has been awarded five National/Provincial Prizes for Science and Technology Progress. He has developed 19 conventional / hybrid rice varieties and published 71 scientific papers.
He is the Vice Chair of National Committee for Rice Variety Evaluation, Vice Chair of Committee for Crop Variety Evaluation of Zhejiang Province, Vice Chair of Crop Science Association of Zhejiang Province, and Chief Editor of China Rice.
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