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作者:吴建利 庄杰云 等
出处:中国水稻研究所 发布时间:2005-5-25 8:06:32 (原作发表时间: )

  To further our understanding of the genetic control of blast resistance in rice cultivar Gumei 2 and, consequently, to facilitate the utilization of this durably blast-resistant cultivar, we studied 304 recombinant inbred lines of indica rice cross Zhong 156/Gumei 2 and a linkage map comprising 181 markers. An analysis of segregation for resistance against five isolates of rice blast suggested that one gene cluster and three additional major genes that are independently inherited are responsible for the complete resistance of Gumei 2. The gene cluster was located to chromosome 6 and includes two genes mapped previously, Pi25(t), against Chinese rice blast isolate 92-183 (race ZC15) and Pi26(t) against Philippine rice blast isolate Ca89 (lineage 4), and a gene for resistance against Philippine rice blast isolate 92330-5 (lineage 17). Of the two genes conferring resistance against the Philippine isolates V86013 (lineage 15) and C923-39 (lineage 46), we identified one as Pi26(t) and mapped the other onto the distal end of chromosome 2 where Pib is located. We used three components of partial blast resistance, percentage diseased leaf area (DLA), lesion number and lesion size, all measured in the greenhouse, to measure the degree of susceptibility to isolates Ca89 and C923-39 and subsequently identified nine and eight quantitative trait loci (QTLs), respectively. Epistasis was determined to play an important role in partial resistance against Ca89. Using DLA measured on lines susceptible in a blast nursery, we detected six QTLs. While different QTLs were detected for partial resistance to Ca89 and C923-39, respectively, most were involved in the partial resistance in the field. Our results suggest that the blast resistance in Gumei 2 is controlled by multiple major genes and minor genes with epistatic effects.

  来源:TAG(online first),April 26, 2005。

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