首页 > 科研前沿 > 《PNAS》:我科学家为超级杂交稻产量相关位点的解析提供了理想平台  
发布时间:2013-8-14 15:25:13

8月12日,《PNAS》杂志在线发表了由中国水稻研究所、深圳华大基因研究院和中国科学院遗传与发育研究所等单位合作的最新科研成果。这篇题为“Dissecting yield-associated loci in super hybrid rice by resequencing recombinant inbred lines and improving parental genome sequences”的论文,为超级杂交稻产量相关位点的解析提供了宝贵的材料和有效的途径。




The growing world population and shrinkage of arable land demand yield improvement of rice, one of the most important staple crops. To elucidate the genetic basis of yield and uncover its associated loci in rice, we resequenced the core recombinant inbred lines of Liang-You-Pei-Jiu, the widely cultivated super hybrid rice, and constructed a high-resolution linkage map. We detected 43 yield-associated quantitative trait loci, of which 20 are unique. Based on the high-density physical map, the genome sequences of paternal variety 93-11 and maternal cultivar PA64s of Liang-You-Pei-Jiu were significantly improved. The large recombinant inbred line population combined with plentiful high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions between parental genomes allowed us to fine-map two quantitative trait loci, qSN8 and qSPB1, and to identify days to heading8 and lax panicle1 as candidate genes, respectively. The quantitative trait locus qSN8 was further confirmed to be days to heading8 by a complementation test. Our study provided an ideal platform for molecular breeding by targeting and dissecting yield-associated loci in rice.


上篇文章:《PLoS Genetics》:我科学家揭示水稻G蛋白介导油菜素内酯信号转导新机制
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