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《Plant Physiology》:发现水稻受体类激酶OsSIK2提高耐盐性并延缓衰老 
发布时间:2013-10-25 14:48:03

10月18日,Plant Physiology在线发表了由我国科学家研究发现的最新研究成果。受体类激酶在植物生长发育和防御反应中起着非常重要的作用。它们在非生物胁迫反应中的作用研究较少。

在这篇题为“An S-domain receptor-like kinase OsSIK2 confers abiotic stress tolerance and delays dark-induced leaf senescence in rice”(doi:10.1104/pp.113.224881)的论文中,来自中科院遗传所的研究人员研究发现,水稻的一个具有S-结构域的受体类激酶OsSIK2参与调控非生物胁迫反应和衰老过程。研究结果表明,对于OsSIK2 的改造和应用可能有利于水稻和其它作物的改良和稳产。


根据2013年ISI发布的JCR(Journal Citation Reports)数据,Plant Physiology最新SCI影响因子为6.555,在总计197种SCI期刊的植物学科(PLANT SCIENCES)中排名第8位。在过去的12年间,该刊物影响因子处于5.105至6.555之间,并呈逐年稳步上升趋势。



Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) play important roles in plant development and defense responses; however, their functions in other processes remain unclear. Here, we report that OsSIK2, an S-domain RLK from rice, is involved in abiotic stress and senescence process. OsSIK2 is a plasma membrane-localized protein with kinase activity in the present of Mn2+. OsSIK2 is expressed mainly in rice leaf and sheath, and can be induced by NaCl, drought, cold, dark and ABA treatment. Transgenic plants overexpressing OsSIK2 and mutant sik2 exhibit enhanced and reduced tolerance to salt and drought stress respectively compared to the controls. Interestingly, a truncated version of OsSIK2 without most of extracellular region confers higher salt tolerance than the full-length OsSIK2, likely through activation of different sets of downstream genes. Moreover, seedlings of OsSIK2-overexpressing transgenic plants exhibit early leaf development and delayed dark-induced senescence phenotype, while mutant sik2 shows opposite phenotype. The downstream PR-related genes specifically up-regulated by full-length OsSIK2 or the DREB-like genes solely enhanced by truncated OsSIK2 are all induced by salt and dark treatments. These results indicate that OsSIK2 may integrate stress signals into developmental program for better adaptive growth under unfavorable conditions. Manipulation of OsSIK2 should facilitate improvement of production in rice and other crops.


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