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日前,该《利用转基因水稻规模化生产重组人血清白蛋白》(Large-scale production of functional human serum albumin from transgenic rice seeds )论文于2011年10月31日在线发表于《美国科学院院报》(PNAS) (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2011/10/26/1109736108)。该论文在线之际,受到国外Nature news, Scientist 杂志,Thomson Reuters, Fox News 以及巴西和印度等媒体的广泛关注。


目前,人血清白蛋白(human serum albumin)广泛应用于临床治疗和细胞培养领域。常见的人血清白蛋白大多数从人的血浆中提取,这样的生产方式不仅受到血浆供应的限制,而且还具有携带病毒传播的高风险性。由杨代常教授研究组经过6年的努力,建立了水稻胚乳表达技术平台,研发出国际先进水平的重组人血白蛋白产品生产技术,并成功实现重组人血白蛋白规模化和产业化,随着植物源重组人血清白蛋白的发展,这表明我国人血清白蛋白日益紧张的局面必将得到缓解。


Human serum albumin (HSA) is widely used in clinical and cell culture applications. Conventional production of HSA from human blood is limited by the availability of blood donation and the high risk of viral transmission from donors. Here, we report the production of Oryza sativa recombinant HSA (OsrHSA) from transgenic rice seeds. The level of OsrHSA reached 10.58% of the total soluble protein of the rice grain. Large-scale production of OsrHSA generated protein with a purity >99% and a productivity rate of 2.75 g/kg brown rice. Physical and biochemical characterization of OsrHSA revealed it to be equivalent to plasma-derived HSA (pHSA). The efficiency of OsrHSA in promoting cell growth and treating liver cirrhosis in rats was similar to that of pHSA. Furthermore, OsrHSA displays similar in vitro and in vivo immunogenicity as pHSA. Our results suggest that a rice seed bioreactor produces cost-effective recombinant HSA that is safe and can help to satisfy an increasing worldwide demand for human serum albumin.


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