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《Plant Physiology》:我科学家发现水稻叶片衰老死亡原理 

中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,储成才课题组发现一氧化氮(NO)作为信号分子,参与了过氧化氢诱导的水稻叶片细胞死亡过程。详细的分子、生理及生化分析结果表明:强光条件下,突变体叶片中NO含量的升高和降低,可分别加重和减轻水稻叶片细胞死亡程度。蛋白质亚硝基化(NO最主要的作用方式之一)转基因植物分析也表明,蛋白质亚硝基化的高低直接影响叶片细胞死亡程度。这解析了NO在水稻叶片衰老中的分子作用机制,相关研究结果日前在国际杂志《植物生理学》(Plant Physiology)上在线发表,论文题为“Nitric Oxide and Protein S-nitrosylation Are Integral to Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Leaf Cell Death in Rice”。



研究组人员通过以水稻为研究材料,深入系统地研究农作物源库互作和产量构成的分子机制,获得一大批NO含量改变的突变体,并对其中一个NO含量大量积累的突变体noe1 (nitric oxide excess 1)进行比较详细的分子、生理及生化分析。图位克隆表明,NOE1编码一个过氧化氢酶。在强光条件下,NOE1基因的突变,导致叶片H2O2含量升高,积累的H2O2激活硝酸还原酶,诱导叶片中NO产生。通过利用NO清除剂(PTIO)清除积累的NO,细胞死亡都得到明显减轻,表明NO介导了H2O2诱导的叶片细胞死亡。在利用分子手段实现对植物基因表达的精细调控和作物品种的分子设计改良,提高农作物产量和品质改良研究上取得了一系列成果。


Nitric oxide (NO) is a key redox-active, small molecule involved in various aspects of plant growth and development. Here, we report the identification of an NO accumulation mutant noe1 (nitric oxide excess 1) in rice, the isolation of the corresponding gene and the analysis of its role in NO-mediated leaf cell death. Map-based cloning revealed that NOE1 encoded a rice catalase OsCATC. Further, noe1 resulted in an increase of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the leaves, which consequently promoted NO production via activation of nitrate reductase (NR). Removal of excess NO reduced cell death in both leaves and suspension cultures derived from noe1 plants, implicating NO as an important endogenous mediator of H2O2-induced leaf cell death. Reduction of intracellular SNO (S-nitrosothiol) levels, generated by over-expression of OsGSNOR, which regulates global levels of protein S-nitrosylation, alleviated leaf cell death in noe1 plants. Thus, S-nitrosylation was also involved in light-dependent leaf cell death in noe1. Utilizing the biotin-switch assay, nanoliquid chromatography, and tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), S-nitrosylated proteins were identified in both wild type and noe1 plants. NO targets identified only in noe1 plants included glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and thioredoxin (TRX), which have been reported to be involved in S-nitrosylation regulated cell death in animals. Collectively, our data suggest that both NO and SNOs are important mediators in the process of H2O2-induced leaf cell death in rice.


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