首页 > 科研前沿  > 《The Plant Cell》:发现水稻转录因子MADS29通过影响母体组织降解调控种子发育  
《The Plant Cell》:发现水稻转录因子MADS29通过影响母体组织降解调控种子发育 

2012年3月9日,《植物细胞》(The Plant Cell)杂志在线发表了中科院上海植生所植物分子遗传国家重点实验室薛红卫研究组的最新研究成果。这篇题为“The MADS29 Transcription Factor Regulates the Degradation of the Nucellus and the Nucellar Projection during Rice Seed Development ”论文揭示了转录因子MADS29是如何通过影响母体组织降解调控种子发育的。




The MADS box transcription factors are critical regulators of rice (Oryza sativa) reproductive development. Here, we here report the functional characterization of a rice MADS box family member, MADS29, which is preferentially expressed in the nucellus and the nucellar projection. Suppressed expression of MADS29 resulted in abnormal seed development; the seeds were shrunken, displayed a low grain-filling rate and suppressed starch biosynthesis, and contained abnormal starch granules. Detailed analysis indicated that the abnormal seed development is due to defective programmed cell death (PCD) of the nucellus and nucellar projection, which was confirmed by a TUNEL assay and transcriptome analysis. Further studies showed that expression of MADS29 is induced by auxin and MADS29 protein binds directly to the putative promoter regions of genes that encode a Cys protease and nucleotide binding site–Leu-rich repeat proteins, thereby stimulating the PCD. This study identifies MADS29 as a key regulator of early rice seed development by regulating the PCD of maternal tissues. It provides informative clues to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of maternal tissue degradation after fertilization and to facilitate the studies of endosperm development and seed filling.



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