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《Nature Communications》:发现水稻分蘖重要调控新机制 

2012年3月20日,《Nature Communications》杂志刊登了由中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所李家洋院士领导的团体与中国水稻研究所钱前研究员带领的团队合作研究成果。这篇题为“Degradation of MONOCULM 1 by APC/CTAD1 regulates rice tillering”的论文,阐明了水稻分蘖重要调控新机制:水稻TAD1 (TILLERING AND DWARF 1) 直接调控MOC1,因而揭示了调控水稻分蘖的一个重要分子机理。这对于水稻产量研究具有重要意义。


在早期的工作中,李家洋院士和钱前研究员等以水稻单分蘖突变体moc1(monoculm 1)为材料,解析了其野生型基因MOC1调控分蘖的分子机理,发现MOC1编码一个植物特异的转录因子。MOC1作为一个调控分蘖的主控因子,其本身的调控机制机理不甚明了。MOC1控制分蘖芽的起始和生长等过程,是调控分蘖芽生长发育的主控因子(Li et al., Nature, 422: 618-621, 2003)。MOC1的发现和功能分析是单子叶植物分枝机理研究领域的重大突破,引起了国内外学术界的广泛关注。

通过对多分蘖突变体tad1以及单分蘖突变体moc1的遗传分析,研究人员发现TAD1作用于MOC1的上游。生化研究发现TAD1和MOC1位于同一个蛋白复合物中并直接互作。分子遗传学分析发现TAD1编码一个细胞分裂后期启动复合物(anaphase-promoting complex,简称APC/C)的共激活蛋白。APC/C是一个在真核生物中功能高度保守的E3泛素连接酶,参与降解细胞周期中的关键调控因子,从而促进细胞周期的进程。研究人员证明TAD1直接作用于MOC1,导致后者以依赖于细胞周期进程的方式降解。该项研究揭示了通过细胞周期调控分蘖以及植物株型建成的新机制。


A rice tiller is a specialized grain-bearing branch that contributes greatly to grain yield. The MONOCULM 1 (MOC1) gene is the first identified key regulator controlling rice tiller number; however, the underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated. Here we report a novel rice gene, Tillering and Dwarf 1 (TAD1), which encodes a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C), a multi-subunit E3 ligase. Although the elucidation of co-activators and individual subunits of plant APC/C involved in regulating plant development have emerged recently, the understanding of whether and how this large cell-cycle machinery controls plant development is still very limited. Our study demonstrates that TAD1 interacts with MOC1, forms a complex with OsAPC10 and functions as a co-activator of APC/C to target MOC1 for degradation in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. Our findings uncovered a new mechanism underlying shoot branching and shed light on the understanding of how the cell-cycle machinery regulates plant architecture.



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