is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the International
Conference on Sustainable Rice Production - Policy, Technology and
Extension (水稻可持续生产 - 政策、技术与推广 国际会议) from 15 to 17 October
2004, Hangzhou, P. R. China.
The theme of
the Conference is “Green Rice Means Healthy Life”
(绿色稻米、健康生命). The great challenges that face governments, scientists
and industry practitioners are growing in producing rice, which
is the staple food of more than half of the world’s population.
This event will
review and harness the findings and views of the industry in three
disciplines - policy, technology and extension that underpin sustainable
production in the rice cropping system. The success of such an undertaking
is crucial if we want to meet the goals to feed the world utilizing
but without exploiting our precious natural resources. We welcome
your active participation in making the Conference a success.