is the staple food of more than half of the world's population.
The production, processing and management of paddy rice have provided
the basic conditions for the living of mankind. The production of
rice has not only created employment opportunities for one billion
agricultural population in developing nations, but has also contributed
to the development of the splendid culture associated with rice
production. Hence, effective and productive rice systems play an
influential role in development of economy and improvement of quality
of life. In view of this, on 16 December 2002, the UN General Assembly
declared the year of 2004 the International Year of Rice.
To further promote sustainable development of paddy rice as well
as to celebrate the International Year of Rice and World Food Day,
with approval and support by The Ministry of Agriculture, P. R.
China and The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China National
Rice Research Institute and Beijing Green Vision Ecosciences Inc.
(member of CK Life Sciences Group, Hong Kong) will join hands to
hold the International Conference on Sustainable Rice Production
- Policy, Technology and Extension in Hangzhou, P. R. China, from
15 - 17 October 2004.
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