

TM Eco-Fertiliser

TM is an environmentally friendly fertiliser developed by CK Life Sciences Group as a practical and productive tool to enable significant reduction in the use of chemical fertilisers. Unlike traditional chemical fertilisers, TM contains no soluble nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) or potassium (K). The specially treated microbes within TM have the capability of fixing N from the air, decomposing rock phosphate into P and breaking down K from the soil to an easily absorbable form when they are in contact with the roots of plants, and in response to the plants' need for nutrients.

TM performs well in many places around the globe. Trial results conducted in a number of countries in Asia such as China and the Philippines, the United States , Australia and Europe have suggested that TM matches the yields made possible by traditional chemical fertilisers. They also demonstrate tTM's ability to be a more environmentally friendly source of essential nutrients, resulting in a better quality of crop and an improvement in the quality of the soil.

In trials and research studies on different varieties of both irrigated direct seeded rice and transplanted rice conducted in major rice growing countries such as China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar, TM demonstrated its effectiveness in achieving stable and higher yields. TM has also obtained accreditation as a product suitable for organic production by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) in the U.S., Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) in Australia, Organic Food Development Centre (OFDC) of China, BCS in Germany and Organic Agriculture Certificate Thailand (OACT) in Thailand. Moreover, TM has been awarded the Asian Innovation Bronze Award by Far Eastern Economic Review and the Golden Rim Award as recognition of its technological superiority.




在中国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国、越南及缅甸等主要稻米种植国家进行的直播水稻及移栽水稻试验 中 ,显示TM能稳产增产。TM获多个国际认证组织认可为可作有机农产品种植的肥料,这些组织包括美国 有机物质检查委员会(Organic Materials Review Institute)、澳大利亚生物技术种植场主联会(Biological Farmers of Australia)、中国国环有机食品认证中心(OFDC)、德国BCS,及泰国有机农业证书 Organic Agriculture Certificate Thailand (OACT) 。此外,TM更于二零零二年荣获「远东经济评论亚洲创新大奖」之铜奖,及于二零零四年初获得「全球高峰特优商品金环奖」,进一步印证TM的革命性科技。

主办: 北京先机生态科技有限公司(长江生命科技集团公司成员)